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What is the 369 Method? How the Manifestation Works (2025 Guide)
October 16, 2024

If you have been scrolling through TikTok or Instagram Reels lately, you may have seen countless posts about manifestation. They are often accompanied by promises of attracting wealth, love, and success with seemingly effortless techniques. One such technique is the 369 method. It involves repeating affirmations or focusing on desires three times in the morning, six times in the afternoon, and nine times in the evening, with the belief that these numbers hold a special power to influence reality.

As tempting as the promises of the 369 method may be, is that all it takes to achieve your dreams? Does simply writing down your desires a specific number of times unlock the secrets of the universe, as some would claim?

Chances are, probably not. But that's not to say the 369 method is useless or a bunch of hooey. Looking through the lens of psychology and neuroscience, you'll find that it does have some benefits and potential for helping to achieve your goals.

What is the 369 method?

The 369 method involves writing down affirmations three times in the morning, six times in the afternoon, and nine times in the evening. Proponents of this kind of manifestation process suggest that by aligning your intentions with these numbers, you can amplify your ability to manifest desired outcomes.  

The 369 method, while trending on social media, isn't exactly new. Manifestation, more generally, has been highly popular since the 2006 release of The Secret, which had the likes of Oprah Winfrey and others toting the supposed power of the "Law of Attraction."

However, the 369 method isn't from The Secret. Rather, it's rooted in numerology, the belief system surrounding the divine or mystical relationship between numbers and events. Nikola Tesla, the Serbian-American inventor renowned for his groundbreaking contributions to the fields of electricity and magnetism, was also known for his fascination with the numbers 3, 6, and 9.

Tesla himself declared, "If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6, and 9, then you would have a key to the universe." He seemingly saw a deeper, almost spiritual significance in these numbers, connecting them to the fundamental forces governing the cosmos. And, in numerology, these numbers do hold symbolic meanings. Three is often associated with creativity and self-expression, six with harmony and balance, and nine with completion and fulfillment.

This might sound a bit...out there, to say the least. There is no scientific evidence to suggest that a practice like the 369 method alone is capable of producing any outcome, whether it be manifesting financial abundance, professional or personal success, or simply finding an empty parking spot. But, as Attiya Awadallah, a licensed psychotherapist and board-certified creative arts therapist, says: "While the 369 method is often viewed as mystical or "woo-woo," it is grounded in established cognitive and neuropsychological principles, making it a powerful tool when paired with action."

How to use the 369 method

Intrigued by the 369 method and eager to explore its potential? Let's walk through this manifestation practice step-by-step:

1. Set your focused intention

Begin by identifying a specific goal or desire. Instead of vague wishes like "I want to be happy," aim for something more concrete, such as "I want to feel more confident in social situations" or "I want to improve my communication skills."

While it's tempting to tackle multiple desires simultaneously, focusing on one goal allows you to channel your energy more effectively.

Understanding the reasons behind your desire will fuel your motivation and strengthen your commitment to the process.

2. Craft your affirmations

Frame your affirmations in the present tense, as if your desire has already manifested. For example, instead of saying "I will be more confident," say "I am confident and capable." Use language that resonates with you and reflects your unique voice. Aim for affirmations that are short, clear, and easy to remember.

3. Incorporate visualization

As you repeat your affirmations, visualize yourself experiencing your desired reality. Engage all your senses to make the visualization as vivid and realistic as possible.

Imagine the emotions you would feel if your desire were already fulfilled. Allow yourself to experience joy, gratitude, and excitement.

If it helps, create a vision board or find images that represent your goal to enhance your visualization practice.

4. Maintain consistency

Set aside specific times in the morning, afternoon, and evening to engage with the 369 method.  Find creative ways to incorporate the 369 method into your daily routine. You can write your affirmations in a journal, use a manifestation app, or simply repeat them silently throughout the day.

That's it! It's (apparently) that easy. All you need to do is write down your desired affirmations eighteen times a day: three in the morning, six in the afternoon, and nine in the evening.

But, that feels a bit too easy, doesn't it? Barring any metaphysical or mystical powers that have eluded modern science, the 369 method shouldn't be that good for much of anything...right?

Why might the 369 method work?

So, does the 369 method (or any other manifestation techniques) actually work or is it a bunch of woo-woo? "Yes, but the key lies in how it’s applied," Awadallah says. "Manifestation techniques, such as the 369 method, can work by reinforcing mental focus and promoting positive thought patterns. In both my personal life and professional practice, I have used similar techniques – like affirmations, visualization, and vision boards – to stay focused on achieving my own professional and personal goals."

1. Positive affirmations

Positive affirmations, such as the ones promoted by the 369 manifestation method, can function similarly to positive self-talk. Positive self-talk is the practice of intentionally focusing on encouraging and constructive thoughts about yourself and your abilities. By consistently repeating a positive affirmation, as the 369 method would have you do, you're challenging and replacing limiting beliefs that may be holding you back. 

For example, if you constantly tell yourself "I am capable and deserving of success," you begin to internalize this belief, leading to increased confidence and a willingness to take on new challenges.

And there's research to back this up. One study found that self-affirmation, particularly when focused on future-oriented personal values, activates brain regions associated with reward and self-processing, which may contribute to positive behavior change. And these positive behavior changes could easily bring your desires to fruition. 

2. Visualization

Visualization is more than just daydreaming. It's a powerful technique used by athletes, performers, and successful individuals across various fields. When you vividly imagine yourself achieving your goals, you strengthen your focus and reinforce your commitment to those aspirations. Visualization activates the same neural pathways in the brain as actually performing the action, which can enhance motivation and improve performance. By creating a mental picture of your desired future, you're essentially telling your brain, "This is where we're going," and it starts to align your thoughts, emotions, and actions accordingly.

3. Self-fulfilling prophecies

Perhaps one of the best explanations for manifestation (and the endless amount of reported success stories) are self-fulfilling prophecies. Have you ever noticed how a positive attitude can lead to positive outcomes? As Seth Bolton, a counselor and addiction recovery expert at Addiction Advocates, says, "belief in a positive outcome increases the overall likelihood of taking actions that align with that belief." When you believe in your ability to achieve a goal, you're more likely to take the necessary steps, persevere through challenges, and ultimately, manifest that goal into reality. On the flip side, if you doubt yourself, you might unconsciously sabotage your efforts or give up too easily.

Still, as Adrianna Holness, clinical psychologist and founder at Worth and Wellness Psychology states, "It’s not magic; it’s more about cognitive and behavioral alignment. When you believe in a goal, you tend to make decisions, both consciously and subconsciously, that move you closer to it."

4. Neuroplasticity

For a long time, it was believed that our brains became fixed in adulthood. However, we now know that our brains possess an incredible ability called neuroplasticity, which means they are constantly changing and adapting throughout our lives. Every thought, experience, and repeated action shapes the intricate neural pathways in our brains. 

When you consistently engage in the repetitive nature of the 369 method's positive self-talk, you're strengthening those thoughts and beliefs. As Attiya Awadallah told us, neuroplasticity research "such as that of Dr. Michael Merzenich, has shown that repetition can reshape neural pathways, enhancing goal-directed behavior. By focusing repeatedly on a desired outcome, individuals engage in mental conditioning, aligning their thoughts with their goals. This process, known as selective attention, helps the brain stay attuned to opportunities that align with those goals."

5. Hints of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a widely recognized and evidence-based therapeutic approach focusing on the connection between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. "At their core, manifestation practices (such as the 369 method) tap into the power of focused attention and cognitive reframing. So, by repeating affirmations multiple times a day, individuals engage in a form of mental conditioning. For some people, this may strengthen the neural pathways associated with specific goals or beliefs, much like how cognitive behavioral therapy works by challenging and changing unhelpful cognitive patterns," says Seth Bolton.

Nevertheless, as Dr. Jessica Lamar, a Licensed Mental Health Therapist and cofounder of The Bellevue Trauma Recovery Center, says, "there is little to no scientific evidence that this works. Any evidence would simply be anecdotal. Manifestations can certainly help someone by motivating them and keeping them focused on what they want, but this can also be done in several other ways and there is nothing to show that this type of manifestation works better than any other method. It is also wholly dependent on the person and, simply saying what you want an arbitrary amount of times, will not make it come true any quicker or more reliably."

6. The placebo effect

The placebo effect is a phenomenon where a person experiences a genuine improvement in their condition simply because they believe they are receiving an effective treatment, even if it's actually a sugar pill or a sham procedure. Funny enough, the placebo effect can still be observed even when people know they are taking a placebo. Talk about the extraordinary power of belief to shape our reality, right?

So, when we're talking about the 369 method, even if the specific numbers hold no inherent power, the belief in the method itself can potentially trigger a placebo effect. When you wholeheartedly believe that your affirmations and visualizations will manifest your desires, you create a positive expectation that can influence your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors in ways that support your goals (even if you don't necessarily realize it). This positive mindset can lead to increased motivation, resilience, and a willingness to take action, ultimately increasing your chances of success.

7. The power of belief & ritual

Humans are inherently drawn to rituals. They provide structure, meaning, and a sense of control in a world that can often feel chaotic and unpredictable. Therefore, engaging in a daily ritual like the 369 method can be incredibly empowering for many. It reinforces the idea that you have agency in your life and that you're actively participating in shaping your future, what psychologists refer to as "locus of control." And, according to research, those people with the highest internal locus of control tend to have more successful outcomes.

This sense of control can be particularly beneficial for individuals who feel overwhelmed or powerless in certain areas of their lives. By setting aside dedicated time for your 369 practice, you're carving out a space for self-reflection, intention-setting, and positive self-talk.

What are the limitations of the 369 method?

While the 369 method offers a potentially valuable framework for personal growth, you still have to approach it with a healthy dose of realism. You can't fall into the trap of magical thinking, otherwise you likely will not achieve your desired outcome. Like everything else in life, there are some potential limitations:

1. Lack of concrete action

As we've seen, the 369 method can be a powerful tool for cultivating a positive mindset, but it's not a substitute for taking concrete action toward your goals. Repeating affirmations without taking the necessary steps to make them a reality is like planting a seed and expecting it to grow without water or sunlight.

For example, if your goal is to improve your fitness, writing "I am strong and healthy" 18 times a day won't magically transform your body. You need to combine those affirmations with consistent exercise and a healthy diet. The 369 method could potentially be a helpful tool for motivation and mental focus, but it's ultimately your actions that will determine your results.

As Rachael Eccles, a clinical hypnotherapist, told us, “If you totally rely on the theory of manifesting and fail to take positive action in your life, it could hinder your progress in achieving goals. If you neglect to take the practical measures that help positive changes happen in your life, for example education and training required to progress on a career path, results will probably be disappointing.”

2. Unrealistic expectations

So much of our society these days is geared towards instant gratification. As such, it's easy to fall prey to the misconception that manifestation is about getting what you want effortlessly and immediately. Something like the 369 method could lead to unrealistic expectations. After all, imagine if someone tried the 369 method, only to see little to no results from their efforts. As we mentioned, just writing down your goals or desires isn't enough to make them a reality.

If you approach something like the 369 method with the expectation that this practice has some magical or metaphysical power to provide you with what you want, you'll likely feel disappointed. This, in turn, can hurt your motivation and persistence to achieve your goals.

3. Toxic positivity

While positive thinking is undoubtedly beneficial, you also need to avoid falling into the trap of toxic positivity. This refers to the excessive and often inauthentic insistence on maintaining a positive outlook at all times, even in the face of difficult emotions or challenging situations.  

Suppressing or denying negative emotions can be detrimental to your mental health. We still must acknowledge and process the full spectrum of human emotions, including sadness, anger, and fear. The 369 method should be used as a tool to cultivate a positive mindset, but not at the expense of authentic emotional expression.

Taking the next steps with the 369 method ✨

The 369 manifestation technique has captivated the internet with its promises of manifestation and its intriguing connection to numerology. However, the true power of this technique may lie not in its mystical origins, but in its ability to harness the power of your mind for self-improvement.

By setting clear intentions, repeating positive affirmations, and visualizing your desired outcomes, you can cultivate a growth mindset, boost your self-confidence, and increase your motivation to take action. While the 369 method is not a magic formula for instant success, it can be a valuable tool for personal growth when approached with a balanced perspective and combined with real-world effort.

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