Integrate Jira Issues with Google Calendar

Get more done every sprint when you integrate Jira software management & Google Calendar via Reclaim.

Auto-schedule time to work on Jira issues so you can accomplish more tasks and plan better sprints.

Sign up with Google Calendar

* Try this integration free for 14 days – no credit card required.

* Free forever: no credit card required.

Integrate Jira Issues with Google Calendar
More than 400,000 people across 55,000 companies are active with Reclaim

Add Jira issues to your calendar

Defend time for focus work

Defend time for focus work

Create a new issue in Jira, and Reclaim will automatically find and defend the best time in your calendar to work on that task. Smart time blocking keeps your time aligned with your projects, while staying flexible for new events.

Use Jira estimates to set task duration

Use Jira estimates to set task duration

Use any Jira estimate method to automate time estimates and durations for your issues so you can block time you need for each individual task.

Auto-schedule in your sprint

Auto-schedule in your sprint

Deploy more every sprint when you prioritize time for heads-down work. Reclaim will automatically schedule your Jira issues within your sprint, before your due date, and in the order of priority.

Assign Jira issues to your team

Assign Jira issues to your team

Collaboration is magical at Reclaim - assign Jira issues to your team and automatically block time on their calendar for that work so you can have fewer meetings and better communication around priorities and product roadmap.

Plan better sprints, ship more goals

Plan better sprints, ship more goals

Improve your software team morale with better planned sprints based on realistic goals - see what the team can actually accomplish based on how much time is available on the calendar, and limit the unnecessary meetings and distractions competing for your time!

Defend time for focus work

Defend time for focus work

Create a new issue in Jira, and Reclaim will automatically find and defend the best time in your calendar to work on that task. Smart time blocking keeps your time aligned with your projects, while staying flexible for new events.

Use Jira estimates to set task duration

Use Jira estimates to set task duration

Use any Jira estimate method to automate time estimates and durations for your issues so you can block time you need for each individual task.

Auto-schedule in your sprint

Auto-schedule in your sprint

Deploy more every sprint when you prioritize time for heads-down work. Reclaim will automatically schedule your Jira issues within your sprint, before your due date, and in the order of priority.

Assign Jira issues to your team

Assign Jira issues to your team

Collaboration is magical at Reclaim - assign Jira issues to your team and automatically block time on their calendar for that work so you can have fewer meetings and better communication around priorities and product roadmap.

Plan better sprints, ship more goals

Plan better sprints, ship more goals

Improve your software team morale with better planned sprints based on realistic goals - see what the team can actually accomplish based on how much time is available on the calendar, and limit the unnecessary meetings and distractions competing for your time!

How does it work?

1. Sign up for Reclaim

Sign up for Reclaim to get started with Reclaim’s integration for Slack. You must be a Reclaim user to connect Slack with Reclaim.

2. Add to Slack

Once logged into Reclaim, go to Settings > Integrations. Tap the Add to Slack button.

3. Create Tasks, share Scheduling Links, & more

Once connected you’ll be able to:

  • Use the /reclaim shortcut to quickly create Tasks, share a Scheduling Link, or update your settings
  • Update your status automatically when events on your calendar begin
  • View your agenda & manage tasks

Ready to connect?

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Start sending better links

Save your team thousands of hours in productivity this year by using Reclaim.

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Ready for a better work schedule?

Connect your Google Calendar to customize your work hours, meeting hours, and personal hours for a more productive and balanced workweek.

Sign up free w/ Google Calendar

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Save your team thousands of hours in productivity this year when you switch to Reclaim. Switch & save 20% off your first 6 months.

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