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Top 12 Meeting Scheduler Apps of 2024
April 9, 2024

Meeting scheduling is hard. Everyone is busy, juggling a ton of different work items, and their time is important. So how can you convince them to give up some of their precious time to meet with you? Outside of having an awesome topic for the meeting, you also need to make it really easy for them to set up.

With the average professional juggling 25.6 meetings per week, scheduling and coordinating meetings at work has become a full-time job in itself. On top of that:

  • Meetings have increased 69.7% since February 2020
  • 62.6% of people want “ideal time” recommendations for meetings
  • 90.8% of people have trouble prioritizing meetings
  • 54.6% of people have trouble finding availability for meetings

Luckily, meeting scheduler apps automate the frustrating task of finding a time when everyone is free, saving you time, and eliminating back-and-forth emails for all attendees. Here's a look at the 12 best meeting scheduler apps to help you share your availability and book your meetings.

12 best meeting scheduler apps of 2024

  1. Reclaim.ai
  2. Calendly
  3. SavvyCal
  4. Doodle
  5. Chili Piper
  6. Hubspot Meetings
  7. Microsoft Bookings
  8. Acuity Scheduling
  9. SimplyMeet.me
  10. Cal.com
  11. Zoho Bookings
  12. Google Calendar

1. Reclaim.ai

Reclaim.ai is an AI calendar and the number one meeting scheduling app for busy people because it can help you set up any type of meeting, through both scheduling links and meeting automation. Imagine the ease of use of a Calendly link, but with smart calendar settings that allow you to share even more time slots over meetings and focus time sessions, you’d be willing to automatically reschedule to another time. It literally allows you to increase your availability by 524% so you can book important meetings sooner and make more deals happen for your company. 

But Reclaim.ai is not just for booking external meetings, you can use Team Scheduling Links to find the best time across an entire team of people's busy calendars. Everyone also wants to know about recurring meetings – something that’s always been outside of the scope of scheduling links. Not for Reclaim.ai, however. Their Smart Meetings allow you to automatically find the best time for any recurring meeting by actually analyzing all attendees' calendars to identify mutual free time. And if a conflict comes up, your Smart Meeting automatically gets rescheduled to the next best time. This is desperately needed across the workplace, because recurring meetings always fall out of whack around PTO, sick days, even priority changes when another urgent meeting just has to take precedence at that time. And you can use it for any recurring meeting type – team meetings, one-on-ones, even external meetings with clients and partners.

And amazingly Reclaim is way more than a meeting scheduler, it also uses AI time blocking to find the best time for your tasks, habits, and breaks in your calendar too. This all-in-one tool helps you optimize your entire workweek and helps your team stay aligned on their most important priorities so everyone can get more done and make faster progress across the company.

Key features

  • Scheduling Links: Share your availability for meetings, and show your max availability for urgent meetings you need to book ASAP over lower priority events you’d be willing to reschedule.
  • Advanced Scheduling Link controls: Offer features like team links, multiple durations, custom screening questions, personalized one-off links, paste actual time slots into email, smart scheduling rules, multiple calendar support, easy rescheduling, and optional attendees.
  • Smart Meetings: Find the best time for all of your recurring meetings across every attendees schedule, including team meetings, one-on-ones, and external meetings.
  • No-Meeting Days & Meeting Days: Designate entire days as "No-Meeting Days" to protect time to get stuff done as a team, or create dedicated "Meeting Days" to keep specific time slots open on your calendar to connect for meetings.
  • AI Scheduling: Intelligently analyzes your schedule, priorities, and existing commitments to find ideal times for tasks, meetings, and habits and auto-reschedules events around priority changes and conflicts (like PTO).
  • Tasks: Automatically blocks time directly onto your calendar for your tasks by priority and before they’re due, and automatically reschedule if a conflict occurs.t
  • Habits: Create smart recurring events that automatically find the best time within any scheduling window you create, like lunch everyday between 11am-2pm, ideally at 12pm, for 30-60 minutes depending on my availability.
  • Calendar Sync: Prevent double-booking by syncing events and your actual availability across multiple calendars (work, personal, or multiple client calendars).
  • Buffer Time: Automatically adds 'breaks' after meetings or focus time blocks, and travel time around events you need to get to and flights..
  • Priorities: Set smart priority levels for both Reclaim and Google Calendar events to ensure the most important items take precedence.
  • Time Tracking: Analyze where  your time is spent across meetings, tasks, habits, and key work-life balance metrics.
  • Integrations: Google Calendar, Gmail, Google Meet, Zoom, Slack, Asana, ClickUp, Todoist, Jira, Linear, Google Tasks, Raycast, Fathom, Lattice.


  • No round-robin scheduling: Reclaim.ai doesn't have a built-in feature for round-robin scheduling, which could be important for teams that need to evenly distribute meetings or tasks.
  • No integrated payment system: You cannot collect payments directly through Reclaim.ai's scheduling links. You'll need to integrate with a third-party payment processor.
  • Google Calendar only: Currently only supports Google Calendar (Outlook coming soon).
  • No mobile app: Reclaim.ai does not have a dedicated mobile app, but the web app is very mobile-friendly.

Reclaim.ai pricing: Free → paid plans start at $8/month

2. Calendly

Calendly is a scheduling automation platform and online scheduling tool that simplifies the process of finding mutually convenient meeting times. Users set their availability preferences, and Calendly generates a custom link. Clients, colleagues, or anyone you need to meet with can view your open time slots via this link and easily self-book a time that works for both of you. The scheduled event then automatically populates your calendar, along with that of your invitee.

Calendly can save you a ton of time, and add a professional touch to your scheduling. It simplifies the booking process for various use cases, whether you're a consultant scheduling client calls, a project manager setting up team meetings, or a salesperson scheduling product demos.

Key features

  • Scheduling Links: Share your availability for meetings with easy links that people can use to book time with you.
  • Availability Sync: Works with your existing calendars (Google, Outlook, etc.) to prevent double-booking.
  • Customizable Event Types: Create different types of meetings (e.g., 15-minute intro call, 1-hour consultation) with varying durations, availabilities, and settings.
  • Customizable Booking Pages: Tailor your scheduling page's appearance, and add your branding.
  • Automatic Timezone Detection: Provides smooth scheduling across different time zones.
  • Reminders & Confirmations: Sends automated email or SMS notifications to you and your invitees.
  • Team Scheduling: Offers features like round-robin and collective availability distribution for teams.
  • Reporting & Analytics: Provides insights into meeting trends and scheduling data.
  • Integrations: Works with Zoom, Salesforce, Stripe, PayPal, Google Calendar, Outlook, iCloud, and numerous other tools for a streamlined workflow.


  • Limited prioritization: Calendly doesn't support any priority controls for their meetings to allow you to create more time slots for urgent meetings that are more important than other events on the calendar. 
  • Lack of smart scheduling features: Calendly lacks advanced, AI-driven scheduling features, such as priority levels, additional time slots over other calendar events, personalized one-off links, multiple durations, automated recurring meetings, etc.
  • No dynamic slot durations: Calendly limits you to fixed durations for meeting types. This can be restrictive if you need flexibility in how long meetings can last depending on the situation. 
  • Limited calendar support: Calendly has a limit on the number of calendars you can connect, even in paid plans.
  • No target calendar for scheduling links: Calendly doesn't let you specify the calendar where a meeting booked through a scheduling link should be placed.
  • Cost: While there's a basic free plan, advanced team features and in-depth customization become pricier. Small businesses or individuals might find the cost prohibitive compared to other options.

Calendly pricing: Free → paid plans start at $10/month

3. SavvyCal

SavvyCal is a meeting scheduling tool that prioritizes a smooth and collaborative experience for both the scheduler and the invitee. It stands out with its calendar overlay feature, letting invitees see their own schedule alongside yours when selecting a time, making it super easy to find a mutually agreeable slot. Also, SavvyCal allows you to rank your availability preferences, subtly guiding invitees toward your ideal meeting times.

SavvyCal offers customizable scheduling links, team scheduling functionality, and integrations with popular calendar and video conferencing tools. It's designed to be a user-friendly and efficient alternative to the back-and-forth frustrations of traditional meeting scheduling.

Key features

  • Scheduling Links: Create custom, shareable links that clients can use to directly book appointments on your calendar.
  • Calendar Overlay: Invitees can overlay their own calendar directly onto your scheduling page, making it visually simple to pick mutually available time slots.
  • Ranked Availability: Subtly guide people toward specific times by indicating your preferred availability levels (e.g., ideal, available, flexible).
  • Customization: Create multiple scheduling links with different rules for various meeting types, durations, and availability preferences.
  • Team Scheduling: Offers options like round-robin distribution or collective availability for scheduling with multiple people.
  • Delegate Permissions: Allow assistants or team members to manage your schedule for you.
  • Branding Options: Add your logo and customize the look and feel of your scheduling pages (some features on paid plans).
  • Integrations: Connects with popular calendar apps, such as Google Calendar, and Outlook, and video conferencing tools such as Zoom, Google Meet, and more.


  • Lack of smart scheduling features: SavvyCal lacks advanced, AI-driven scheduling features. You can share custom times, but there's no automation around sharing more availability over lower-priority events and auto-rescheduling conflicts. They also don't support automated recurring meetings.
  • Cost: SavvyCal's free plan is quite limited. Advanced features like team scheduling, customization, and removing SavvyCal branding reside on their paid plans.
  • Occasional syncing delays: Some users report occasional delays or glitches when fetching availability from external calendars.
  • Limited integrations: While SavvyCal connects with the most popular calendar and video conferencing tools, it still might not integrate with all niche software or CRMs that some businesses rely on.

SavvyCal pricing: Free → paid plans start at $12/month

4. Doodle

Doodle is a straightforward scheduling tool that excels at finding the best meeting time for groups. You create a simple poll with various date and time options, then share its unique link with participants. Each person marks their availability directly on the poll, making it visually clear which times work best for the majority.

Doodle's strength lies in its simplicity. It has a free plan for basic scheduling needs and doesn't require attendees to create accounts. This makes it a favorite for quickly coordinating meetings, social events, or any time you need to align the schedules of multiple people.

Key features

  • Scheduling Links: Create a personal link where others can book time with you directly based on your set availability.
  • Simple Polls: Create polls with proposed dates and times for meetings or events.
  • Easy Participation: Invitees can indicate their availability directly on the poll, no account creation required.
  • Visual Clarity: Poll design shows the most popular time slots at a glance.
  • Calendar Sync: Sync with popular calendar platforms (Google Calendar, Outlook Calendar, etc.) to avoid double-booking.
  • Automated Reminders: Send reminders to participants who haven't responded.
  • 1:1 Scheduling: Lets you propose specific time slots for individual meetings.
  • Branding & Customization: Add your company logo or personal touch to your Doodle polls for professional appearances.
  • Integrations: Connect Doodle with popular tools like Zoom, Zapier, and others for expanded functionality.


  • Limited features for complex scheduling: Doodle excels at finding the best time for groups but lacks advanced, AI-driven scheduling features, such as priority levels, additional time slots over other calendar events, personalized one-off links, multiple durations, automated recurring meetings, etc.
  • Free plan restrictions: The free version limits functionality and includes ads. Advanced features like integrations and branding reside on paid plans.
  • Participant responsibility: Doodle relies on participants promptly indicating their availability. If people delay responding, it can slow down the decision process.
  • Potential for overlapping meetings: If you don't connect Doodle with your calendar for real-time syncing, you risk accidentally scheduling over an existing event.

Doodle pricing: Free → paid plans start at $6.95/month

5. Chili Piper

Chili Piper is a scheduling and lead routing platform designed to help businesses streamline their sales processes. Its core functionality, "Instant Booker", allows interested prospects to immediately schedule meetings with the right sales representatives directly from your website, chat, or marketing materials. This eliminates delays and increases the chance of converting hot leads.

Beyond basic scheduling, Chili Piper offers intelligent lead routing, so the right sales rep can be connected with the right prospect based on factors like location, industry, or product interest. It also includes pre-meeting qualification forms to gather critical information before the meeting, making the sales encounter more efficient. 

Key features

  • Scheduling Links: Provides customizable links (Smart Booking Links, Single-Use, Team Meeting Links) to streamline meeting booking.
  • Instant Booker: Allows prospects to schedule meetings directly on your website or in marketing communications with a click.
  • Form Concierge: Uses dynamic, intelligent forms to qualify leads and collect crucial information before meetings.
  • Advanced Routing: Automatically routes leads to the most appropriate sales rep based on customizable rules (territory, industry, lead score, etc.).
  • Handoff: Transfers qualified leads, their information, and meeting details smoothly into your CRM.
  • Distro: Balances meeting distribution fairly, taking into account availability, no-shows, cancellations, and other factors.
  • Analytics & Reporting: Offers detailed dashboards and reports to track key performance indicators (KPIs) and identify areas for improvement.
  • Integrations: Connects seamlessly with major CRMs (Salesforce, HubSpot, etc.) and a wide variety of sales and marketing tools.


  • Lack of smart scheduling features: Chili Piper doesn't offer features like priority levels, additional time slots over other calendar events, personalized one-off links, multiple durations, automated recurring meetings, etc. .
  • High cost: Chili Piper can be more expensive than simpler scheduling tools. While it offers robust features, small businesses or teams with basic needs might find it cost-prohibitive.
  • Potentially steep learning curve: Chili Piper has advanced features like routing and analytics, which can lead to a steeper learning curve.
  • Focus on inbound lead conversion: Chili Piper is heavily geared towards qualifying and routing inbound leads quickly. If your focus is primarily on general outbound meeting scheduling with existing clients or prospects, a more general scheduling tool might be a better fit.

Chili Piper pricing: Paid plans start at $15/month

6. Hubspot Meetings

HubSpot Meetings is a scheduling tool designed to simplify how you book meetings with prospects, customers, or team members. It allows you to create personalized scheduling links that showcase your real-time availability. These links can be embedded on your website, in emails, or shared directly, letting people easily book a time that works for both of you.

HubSpot Meetings integrates seamlessly with your Google or Office 365 calendar and works particularly well if you already use HubSpot's CRM. Meeting details and contact information automatically sync with your CRM, creating a streamlined workflow for sales and customer-facing teams.

Key features

  • Scheduling Links: Easily create personalized booking pages where prospects and customers can schedule time directly on your calendar based on your availability.
  • Embeddability: Embed your scheduling links into your website, blog posts, or emails so people can book meetings with you in their preferred way.
  • Customization: Brand your meeting links and pages to align with your company's look and feel. Adjust available time slots, meeting durations, and buffer times.
  • Calendar Sync: Seamlessly syncs with popular calendar tools like Google Calendar, Outlook Calendar, and Office 365. 
  • Round Robin Meeting Assignment: Distribute meetings evenly among team members for efficient lead allocation.
  • Group Meetings: Facilitate meetings with multiple team members to accommodate more complex sales or support situations.
  • Automated Reminders: Reduce no-shows by sending automatic meeting reminders to you and your scheduled contacts.
  • CRM Sync: Automatically logs meeting details and notes into your HubSpot CRM for a comprehensive view of customer interactions.
  • Integrations: Works with popular video conferencing tools like Zoom, Google Meet, and Microsoft Teams for streamlined virtual meetings.


  • Lack of smart scheduling features: Hubspot Meetings lacks advanced, AI-driven scheduling features, such as priority levels, additional time slots over other calendar events, personalized one-off links, multiple durations, automated recurring meetings, etc.
  • Limited customization: While you can customize basic aspects of your meeting links, HubSpot Meetings doesn't offer the same level of granular control over design and branding as some dedicated scheduling tools.
  • User experience: Some users find HubSpot's interface a bit complex or less intuitive compared to some dedicated scheduling tools.
  • Limited integrations: While HubSpot Meetings integrates with core tools, the range of supported integrations might not be as extensive as some specialized scheduling platforms.

Hubspot Meetings pricing: Free → paid plans start at $90/month

7. Microsoft Bookings

Microsoft Bookings is an appointment scheduling tool that comes as part of select Microsoft 365 Business subscriptions. It allows businesses or individuals to create a customizable booking page where clients or customers can easily view your availability and self-schedule appointments. Microsoft Bookings syncs with Outlook calendars to guarantee real-time accuracy and to prevent double-booking.

The platform is designed to streamline scheduling processes and reduce administrative overhead. It offers automated email and SMS reminders to minimize no-shows and integrates with Microsoft Teams to facilitate virtual meetings. Microsoft Bookings is a convenient solution for businesses that are already within the Microsoft 365 ecosystem.

Key features

  • Scheduling Links: Generate unique links for specific services or team members that can be shared on websites, in emails, or via social media to simplify the booking process.
  • Online Appointment Scheduling: Customers and clients can easily book appointments directly through a customizable scheduling page 24/7.
  • Real-Time Availability: Bookings integrates with Outlook calendars for both staff and businesses to present accurate, up-to-date availability, preventing overbooking.
  • Automated Confirmations & Reminders: Reduce no-shows and keep all parties organized with automated email and SMS notifications about upcoming appointments, including the option for rescheduling and cancellations.
  • Virtual Appointments: Integrate with Microsoft Teams or Skype to allow the scheduling of online meetings, consultations, or remote services.
  • Customization: Tailor the booking page's appearance, services offered, staff information, and business policies to reflect your brand and requirements.
  • Mobile Management: The Bookings app allows you to manage your calendar, appointments, and customer information on the go.
  • Detailed Customer Insights: Track important customer information and booking history.


  • Lack of smart scheduling features: Microsoft Bookings lacks advanced, AI-driven scheduling features, such as priority levels, additional time slots over other calendar events, personalized one-off links, multiple durations, automated recurring meetings, etc.
  • Limited customization: Compared to some specialized scheduling platforms, Bookings might offer less flexibility in completely customizing the appearance of your booking page or the client experience.
  • Niche features: Bookings may not include highly specialized features like detailed resource management, complex group scheduling, or in-depth reporting tools found in some industry-specific scheduling solutions.
  • Calendar integration: While strong with Outlook, Bookings might have less seamless integration with other popular calendar systems (Google Calendar, etc.) compared to tools designed for wider compatibility.

Microsoft Bookings pricing: Free → paid plans start at $6/month

8. Acuity Scheduling

Acuity Scheduling is a powerful online scheduling platform that allows businesses and individuals to manage appointments and bookings. Clients can easily view your availability and self-book appointments through customizable booking pages that you can embed on your website. Acuity Scheduling also syncs with your personal calendar (Google, Outlook, etc.) to prevent scheduling conflicts.

The platform offers several helpful features including customizable intake forms to gather client information, automated email and SMS reminders to reduce no-shows, and integrations with popular payment platforms like Stripe and PayPal. It's a versatile solution for various businesses and individuals who need to streamline their scheduling processes.

Key features

  • Scheduling Links: Easily embed a scheduling link into your website, emails, or social media profiles for direct booking.
  • 24/7 Client Self-Scheduling: Allow clients to view your real-time availability and book appointments at their convenience.
  • Customizable Booking Pages: Match your brand identity with colors, logos, and personalized intake forms to gather client information.
  • Multiple Calendars & Locations: Manage schedules effectively, even if you have multiple staff or locations.
  • Automated Reminders & Confirmations: Reduce no-shows with email and SMS reminders sent before appointments.
  • Time Zone Detection: Eliminate confusion and scheduling errors with automatic time zone detection.
  • Cancellation Policies: Enforce policies to protect your time and minimize last-minute cancellations.
  • Secure Online Payments: Process payments directly through Acuity with integrations like Stripe, Square, and PayPal.
  • Integrations: Connect with business tools such as Stripe, Square, Zapier, PayPal, and more. 


  • Lack of smart scheduling features: Acuity Scheduling lacks advanced, AI-driven scheduling features, such as priority levels, additional time slots over other calendar events, personalized one-off links, multiple durations, automated recurring meetings, etc.
  • Cost: Acuity's pricing, though reasonable, can scale up for businesses needing advanced features. Some smaller businesses might find more basic and affordable options with competitors like Calendly.
  • Limited native integrations: Acuity features popular integrations, but some users express a desire for a wider range of native integrations with their CRM or marketing tools. 
  • Potential syncing issues: Some user reviews report occasional syncing issues with external calendars, especially with more complex setups. 

Acuity Scheduling pricing: Paid plans start at $20/month

9. SimplyMeet.me

SimplyMeet.me is a web-based meeting scheduling platform that focuses on simplifying the process of setting up appointments and meetings. Users create customizable booking pages where clients, colleagues, or other contacts can easily select from available time slots that sync with the user's calendar. SimplyMeet.me also integrates with popular calendars like Google Calendar and Outlook to ensure your schedule is always up-to-date.

The platform also offers useful features like automated reminders to avoid no-shows, team scheduling options to distribute appointments, and a mobile app for managing your schedule on the go. SimplyMeet.me is known for its ease of use and flexibility for various scheduling needs.

Key features

  • Scheduling Links: Easily share your booking page via simple links in emails, social media, or your website.
  • Calendar Sync: Seamlessly syncs with major calendars like Google Calendar, Outlook, iCloud, and more.
  • Customizable Meeting Types: Create different meeting types (consultations, demos, interviews) with unique descriptions and durations.
  • Personalized Booking Pages: Design and brand your own booking page where clients schedule appointments.
  • Automated Reminders: Sends reminders to you and clients to minimize missed appointments.
  • Video Conference Integration: Integrates with Zoom, Google Meet, and other platforms for easy virtual meetings.
  • Team Scheduling: Options for round-robin scheduling, group meetings, and more to support teams.
  • Mobile App: Manage your bookings and schedule on the go.
  • Payments Processing: Accept payments directly through the scheduling platform.
  • Integrations: Connects with popular tools like Outlook, Google Calendar, Zoom, Zoho, WordPress, and others to streamline your workflow.


  • Lack of smart scheduling features: SimplyMeet.me lacks advanced, AI-driven scheduling features, such as priority levels, additional time slots over other calendar events, personalized one-off links, multiple durations, automated recurring meetings, etc.
  • Limited customization: While SimplyMeet.me offers a good level of customization, some users might find it less flexible than options like Calendly or Acuity Scheduling when it comes to advanced design and branding of booking pages.
  • Fewer integrations: Compared to major scheduling tools, SimplyMeet.me has a slightly smaller set of native integrations with external apps and CRMs. 
  • Customer support limitations: Some reviews mention that customer support can be slower or less responsive than desired, especially on the free plan. 

SimplyMeet.me pricing: Free → paid plans start at $9.99/month

10. Cal.com

Cal.com is a versatile and customizable scheduling platform. Users create different "event types" that correspond to the kinds of meetings they offer (e.g., consultations, demos, team meetings). These event types have their own availability settings and durations. You then share your Cal.com scheduling links, letting clients or colleagues see your real-time availability and book appointments with ease.

Cal.com stands out for its flexibility. It offers team scheduling options (round-robin, shared availability), integrations with popular calendars, and advanced features like workflows and webhooks. Its open-source nature even allows for self-hosting if you want full control over your data.

Key features

  • Scheduling links: Easily create personalized links for people to book meetings and appointments with you based on your availability.
  • Calendar Sync: Connect Google Calendar, Outlook, iCloud, and other calendar providers to ensure your Cal.com availability is always accurate.
  • Customizable event types: Create different types of events (e.g., 15-minute intro calls, 1-hour consultations) with custom durations and settings.
  • Team scheduling: Manage the availability and bookings for multiple team members, offering round-robin assignments or collective availability options.
  • Booking questions: Collect essential information from clients when they book, streamlining your preparation process.
  • Payment processing: Seamlessly collect payments or deposits through Stripe or PayPal at the time of booking.
  • Embeds and website integration: Add your scheduling availability to your website for quick and easy bookings.
  • Workflows: Create automatic actions following a booking (ex: sending confirmations, Zoom links, follow-up emails) to optimize your processes.
  • API and webhooks: Extend the platform's functionality and integrate it with other tools or build custom applications.
  • Integrations: Connect with other tools, including Zoom, Google Meet, payment platforms, CRMs, and more, to streamline your workflows.


  • Lack of smart scheduling features: Cal.com lacks advanced, AI-driven scheduling features, such as priority levels, additional time slots over other calendar events, personalized one-off links, multiple durations, automated recurring meetings, etc.
  • Cost: Cal.com's pricing tiers can be more expensive than some of its competitors. The free plan is quite limited, and to access more advanced features, you might end up on a pricier tier.
  • Complexity for some users: Cal.com touts itself as an "open scheduling infrastructure" and a highly customizable solution. While powerful, this can lead to a steeper learning curve for users seeking a very simple scheduling tool. 
  • Limited payment gateway options: Primarily supporting Stripe could be restrictive for users who prefer or need other payment gateways 

Cal.com pricing: Free → paid plans start at $15/month

11. Zoho Bookings

Zoho Bookings is a cloud-based appointment scheduling platform designed to simplify how businesses and individuals manage bookings. It allows clients or team members to easily view your availability and self-book appointments based on your defined preferences. Zoho Bookings eliminates the hassle of back-and-forth communication and streamlines the scheduling process.

The platform offers customizable booking pages, automated reminders, and integrations with popular calendar systems, video conferencing tools, and payment gateways. Also, Zoho Bookings integrates seamlessly with Zoho CRM, making it a powerful tool for businesses focused on customer relationship management.

Key features

  • Scheduling Links: Generate and share simple links enabling customers to directly book specific services or appointments with designated staff members.
  • Calendar Sync: Seamlessly sync with your existing calendar systems (Google Calendar, Outlook Calendar, Zoho Calendar, etc.) to avoid double-booking conflicts.
  • Team Scheduling: Manage multiple staff members' schedules and availability in one centralized location.
  • Customizable Booking Pages: Create branded pages with intake forms for client information.
  • Scheduling Rules: Establish rules and preferences to control how and when appointments can be booked (e.g., minimum notice, buffer time between appointments, maximum bookings per day).
  • Reminders & Notifications: Reduce no-shows with automatic email and SMS reminders.
  • Payment Processing: Accept payments through Stripe, PayPal, and other gateways.
  • Zoho CRM Integration: Seamlessly sync customer data with Zoho CRM.
  • Mobile Apps: Manage your schedule on the go with Android and iOS apps.
  • Reports & Analytics: Gain insights into booking trends and staff performance.
  • Integrations: Zoho Bookings integrates with a wide range of Zoho products plus other popular business tools to streamline workflows and data management.


  • Lack of smart scheduling features: Zoho Bookings lacks advanced, AI-driven scheduling features, such as priority levels, additional time slots over other calendar events, personalized one-off links, multiple durations, automated recurring meetings, etc.
  • Complexity for simple needs: Some users find the interface a bit overwhelming, especially if they have basic scheduling requirements. The abundance of features can lead to a steeper learning curve.
  • Limited customization on lower plans: Advanced customization of booking pages, notifications, and in-depth branding options are primarily available on higher-priced plans.
  • Potential over-reliance on Zoho Suite: The full benefits of Zoho Bookings, particularly integrations, are best realized if you're already heavily invested in other Zoho products.

Zoho Bookings pricing: Free → paid plans start at $6/month

12. Google Calendar

Google Calendar offers some built-in functionality to facilitate meeting scheduling, but it’s very basic compared to many of the dedicated tools on this list. Its "Appointment Slots" feature lets you carve out specific time blocks on your calendar, which others can directly book. You can then share a link to your available slots, allowing people to see and select a time that aligns with their schedule. Once a time slot is booked, Google Calendar automatically creates a calendar event for both you and the invitee.

While not as feature-rich as dedicated scheduling apps, Google Calendar is great for those who already operate within the Google Workspace ecosystem. It's particularly useful for basic scheduling needs and internal collaboration between team members.

Key features

  • Scheduling Links: Create shareable links that take people directly to your booking pages where they can see your availability and schedule a meeting.
  • Appointment Slots: Designate specific blocks of time within your calendar as "appointment slots". People can directly book these slots, streamlining meeting requests.
  • Find a Time: Easily find mutually available time slots for meetings by comparing your calendar with the calendars of your guests.
  • Share Availability: Create a link to your appointment slots, allowing others to easily see and book open times that work for them.
  • Event Creation: Google Calendar automatically creates calendar events for both you and the other person when an appointment slot is booked.
  • Customization: Control meeting durations, booking windows (how far in advance or close to a date someone can book), buffer time between meetings, and the maximum number of meetings per day.
  • Calendar Integration: Seamless integration with Gmail and other Google Workspace tools, making meeting scheduling and management convenient for those within the Google ecosystem.


  • Lack of smart scheduling features: Google Calendar lacks advanced, AI-driven scheduling features, such as priority levels, additional time slots over other calendar events, personalized one-off links, multiple durations, automated recurring meetings, etc.
  • Limited features compared to dedicated tools: Google Calendar lacks advanced features found in tools specifically designed for scheduling. 
  • Less user-friendly for external scheduling: If you often schedule meetings with people outside your organization, the process can be clunkier than dedicated apps. Sharing availability and finding mutually agreeable times might require more manual steps.
  • Potential overbooking with manual updates: If you use Appointment Slots heavily and handle other scheduling outside of Google Calendar, it's possible to accidentally become overbooked if you don't manually update your availability.

Google Calendar pricing: Free → paid plans start at $6/month

Save time with the best meeting scheduler app 📅

With the right meeting scheduler app in your toolkit, you'll put an end to endless email chains and availability ping-pong. The time you save can be reinvested into the work that truly matters. Say goodbye to scheduling frustrations and maximize your productivity.

Did we miss any online meeting schedulers that should be on this list? What are some of your favorites? Tweet us @reclaimai to let us know!

Trend Reports

Smart Meetings Trends Report (145+ Stats)

Setting Priorities Report: Top Work Challenges (50 Stats)

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Meeting Scheduling Trends Report: 130+ Scheduling Links Stats

Burnout Trends Report: 200+ Employee Stress Stats by Department

Task Management Trends Report: +200 Stats on Managers vs. Individual Contributors

Productivity Trends Report: One-on-One Meeting Statistics

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