Slack status sync & calendar management

With Reclaim’s integration for Slack, your schedule is at your fingertips. It’s like the assistant you never had.

Create tasks, reschedule events, auto-update your status and stay on top of your agenda — all via Slack.

Sign up with Google Calendar

* Try this integration free for 14 days – no credit card required.

* Free forever: no credit card required.

Slack status sync & calendar management
More than 400,000 people across 55,000 companies are active with Reclaim

ReclaimBot: your virtual assistant

Sync your status to your schedule

Sync your status to your schedule

It's hard to stay in focus mode when you're getting barraged by Slack notifications. Reclaim auto-updates your Slack status based on your calendar, with customizable status messages to communicate context while preserving your privacy.

Create Tasks directly from Slack

Create Tasks directly from Slack

You can create Tasks directly from a Slack message or even use simple commands to get them on your calendar. It's as easy as just asking your assistant to find time on your schedule.

Sync your status to your schedule

Sync your status to your schedule

It's hard to stay in focus mode when you're getting barraged by Slack notifications. Reclaim auto-updates your Slack status based on your calendar, with customizable status messages to communicate context while preserving your privacy.

Create Tasks directly from Slack

Create Tasks directly from Slack

You can create Tasks directly from a Slack message or even use simple commands to get them on your calendar. It's as easy as just asking your assistant to find time on your schedule.

How does it work?

1. Sign up for Reclaim

Sign up for Reclaim to get started with Reclaim’s integration for Slack. You must be a Reclaim user to connect Slack with Reclaim.

2. Add to Slack

Once logged into Reclaim, go to Settings > Integrations. Tap the Add to Slack button.

3. Create Tasks, share Scheduling Links, & more

Once connected you’ll be able to:

  • Use the /reclaim shortcut to quickly create Tasks, share a Scheduling Link, or update your settings
  • Update your status automatically when events on your calendar begin
  • View your agenda & manage tasks

Ready to connect?

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Start sending better links

Save your team thousands of hours in productivity this year by using Reclaim.

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Ready for a better work schedule?

Connect your Google Calendar to customize your work hours, meeting hours, and personal hours for a more productive and balanced workweek.

Sign up free w/ Google Calendar

Switch to Reclaim in minutes

Save your team thousands of hours in productivity this year when you switch to Reclaim. Switch & save 20% off your first 6 months.

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